Running Failure Flags experiments
This document will walk you through running your first experiment using Failure Flags.
Example: the HTTPHandler service
Throughout this document, we'll demonstrate examples use a simple service called "HTTPHandler". This service takes incoming web requests and returns the time taken to process each request. We'll provide examples for each of the available SDKs.
We've added a Failure Flag named http-ingress with two labels: one that tracks the request method, and one that tracks the URL path:
Node.js example
Go example
Creating a new Failure Flags experiment
To create a new experiment:
- Open the Gremlin web app and select Failure Flags in the left-hand nav menu.
- Click Create an Experiment.
- Enter an experiment name. This can be anything you wish.
- Under Failure Flag Selector, use the drop-down menu to select the Failure Flag you want to target.
- To limit the code executions that the Failure Flag will impact, use the Attributes drop-down. This drop-down lists labels attached to the Failure Flag, such as the HTTP request method and URL. Select the attribute name from the drop-down, then in the Value field, enter the value(s) that the attribute must match in order to be impacted.
- You can enter additional attributes by clicking the + icon, or remove an attribute by clicking the recycling bin icon.
- Under Service Selector, use the drop-down menu to select the service (i.e. the serverless application) you want to target. This menu will only list actively detected services. You can see a list of active services in the Gremlin web app.
- To limit which services the Failure Flag will impact, use the Attributes drop-down. This drop-down lists labels detected in the service itself, such as availability zone or region (for cloud services). Select the attribute name from the drop-down, then in the Value field, enter the value(s) that the attribute must match in order to be impacted.
- You can enter additional attributes by clicking the + icon, or remove an attribute by clicking the recycling bin icon.
- By default, any new instances of the service that Gremlin detects will be automatically included in the experiment. To prevent this, click the Prevent new services from joining at runtime checkbox.
- Under Effects, use the drop-down menu to select the type of experiment (the “effect”) to run. Then, use the Attributes boxes to specify the parameters for the experiment. For example, selecting a latency experiment shows two attribute fields: one for the amount of latency to add (
), and one for the amount of jitter to add (jitter
). - Select the percentage of matching Failure Flags instances to impact using the Impact Probability boxes. For example, if you choose 1%, then only 1% of the total Failure Flag instances matching your selectors will be impacted by the experiment. This does not apply to code executions—the Failure Flag selector name determines that.
- Specify how long the experiment will run for using Experiment Duration.
- Click Save to save the experiment, or Save & Run to save and immediately execute the experiment.
Selectors are JSON objects consisting of key-object pairs. These objects tell Gremlin which services and Failure Flags to target for an experiment, as well as what effects to apply.
As an example, our HTTPHandler contains the following Node.js code:
This means that the the Failure Flag name is http-ingress, and the service name is HTTPHandler.
Service Attributes
Service attributes let you identify specific instances of a service to run an experiment on. For example, imagine our HTTPHandler service runs in AWS Lambda in several different regions. We can use the following service attribute to only impact instances in us-west-1:
Flag Attributes
Flag attributes are selectors for targeting specific executions of the service's code. Our example HTTPHandler service has a method label containing the HTTP request method. If we only want to impact POST requests, we'd add the following flag attribute:
Experiments and Effects
The Effect parameter is where you define the details of the experiment and the impact it will have on your service. The Effect parameter is a simple JSON map that gets passed to the Failure Flags SDK when a service is targeted by a running experiment.
The SDK currently supports two types of effects: latency and error.
Latency introduces a constant delay into each invocation of the experiment. Specify latency for the key, and the number of milliseconds you want to delay as the value. For example, this effect introduces a 2000 millisecond delay:
Minimum latency with jitter
Alternatively, you can add latency where the amount varies. For example, this effect introduces between 2000 and 2200 milliseconds of latency, where there is a pseudo-random uniform probability of the SDK applying any value within the jitter amount:
The Error effect throws an error with the provided message. This is useful for triggering specific error-handling methods or simulating errors you might find in production. For example, this effect triggers an error with the message "Failure Flag error triggered":
If your service uses custom error types or other error condition metadata, you can add this metadata to the error effect:
Errors in .NET
In .NET, the format of the exception impacts the type of exception thrown. Using {"exception": "TestException"}
will throw a TestException
exception with no message. Using {"exception": { "message": "TestException" } }
will throw a FailureFlagsException
with the message TestException
Combining Latency and Error effects
You can combine the latency and error effect to cause a delay before throwing an exception. This is useful for recreating conditions like network connection failures, degraded connections, or timeouts.
For example, this effect will cause the Failure Flag to pause for 2 full seconds before throwing an exception with a custom message:
Changing service data
Failure Flags are also capable of modifying data, such as variables. This is an advanced effect that requires additional setup using the Failure Flags SDK.
In your service's call to invokeFailureFlag, add a new dataPrototype property and assign it a variable like a network request or response. You could also pass in an object literal.
Once the dataPrototype property is set, you can add a dataobject to the effect statement. Any properties in the data object will be copied into a new object created from the prototype you provided.
While this experiment is active, myData will be changed to the following:
Customizing an experiment's impact
You can customize the impact of the experiment by adding a behavior function. For example, the following snippet writes data about the experiment to the console instead of applying the experiment to your code:
Node.js example
Go example
If you want even more manual control, the SDK can detect whether an experiment is currently active. For example, during an experiment, you might want to prevent making certain API calls, or rollback a transaction. In most cases the Exception effect can help, but you can also create branches in your code. For example:
Node.js example
Go example
Language-specific features
This section is for features unique to specific SDKs.
The Go SDK offers a unique fault called panic. This causes Failure Flags to panic with the provided message. This is useful when validating that either your service handles Go panics correctly, or when assessing the impact to other parts of the system when your code panics:
More information and examples are available on the project's GitHub repo.