Modernize reliability on AWS

The Gremlin Reliability Platform for AWS enables engineering teams to automate and scale reliability testing and best practices—reducing incidents and improving confidence in dynamic systems.

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Gremlin and AWS allow us to innovate quickly and safely, and provide robust solutions to the benefit of our customers.

Nate Vogel, Senior Director, Charter Communications

Teams operating workloads in the cloud often ask: “who owns reliability?” Cloud providers like AWS work constantly to maximize the availability and performance of their platforms, but that’s only half the story. While AWS is responsible for the reliability of the cloud, engineering teams are responsible for the reliability of workloads running in the cloud.

The Gremlin Reliability Platform for AWS enables engineering teams to automate and scale reliability testing and best practices. Get an instant look into the reliability posture of your AWS environment and dependencies, uncover hidden reliability risks and misconfigurations, test to industry best practices, and safely monitor the health of your services, all in just a few clicks.

Gremlin is trusted by teams on AWS worldwide

Benefits of Gremlin on AWS

Ensure resilience with the Well-Architected Cloud Test Suite

Gremlin provides a tailored reliability test suite specifically for cloud environments, ensuring workloads adhere to reliability best practices and withstand common causes of incidents. Gain visibility into your resiliency posture across workloads and teams throughout your organization.

Automate onboarding and Health Check creation

Gremlin automatically adds your workloads to the platform and creates intelligent health checks so you can see if a workload passes or fails a reliability test. With no need for third-party observability tools, teams can test anywhere in minutes. Resilience testing has never been easier.

Uncover hidden issues with AWS Detected Risks

Gremlin continuously scans AWS-hosted workloads to detect common reliability risks that may lead to incidents, enabling you to proactively identify and resolve potential reliability issues without the need for manual testing. Find and fix critical issues in minutes.

The cost of downtime for top US retailers

By ensuring retailers can withstand surging demand and issues with POS and ecommerce systems, Gremlin often pays for itself in mere seconds of avoided downtime.

Revenue loss this session
Revenue loss this session
Revenue loss this session
Revenue loss this session
Revenue loss this session

Shift from observing to improving

Gremlin enables teams to proactively improve reliability at every stage of maturity.

Custom Chaos Tests & Experiments

Robust, customizable chaos tests to safely replicate any incident scenario.

Standardized Reliability Tests

Pre-built test suite to cover the most common reliability risks. Get started in minutes.

Automated & Scaled Reliability Programs

Standardized scoring tools to identify and prioritize risks, and build reliability programs.

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