Announcing Failover Conf’s speaker lineup
Since announcing Failover Conf a few weeks ago, we received over 100 amazing talk submissions and already have over 2,000 of you planning on joining us on April 21. Today, we're excited to announce the full speaker lineup for Failover Conf.
Talks were submitted from some of our community's most talented engineers and from events around the globe. Making decisions about who to include was not easy!
We prioritized talks from impacted events to stay true to the vision of the event and focused on putting together a lineup that was comprehensive, balanced with thought leadership and technical takeaways, and that reflected the diversity of our community.
Meet the Speakers
Failover Conf will focus on reliability and resiliency, both in the applications that we build and also the teams and processes that we use to build them. Gremlin’s Tammy Butow will kick off the day by sharing her own stories of failure, her path to reliability, and what we can learn about our systems, and ourselves as we aim for reliability.
Jennifer Petoff (Google, originally scheduled for DevOpsDays Toronto) will share why it’s critical to train your team on SRE practices and how you can implement that training in your organization. Matt Stratton (Arrested DevOps host and Transformation Specialist at Red Hat) will continue the theme and teach us all about how to reduce organizational trauma that can be caused by incidents and repaired by proactive tactics like GameDays. Danyel Fisher and Liz Fong-Jones (Honeycomb.io, DevOpsDays Seattle) will share the pitfalls that they encountered—and that you can avoid—in measuring Service Level Objectives (SLOs).
Moving from our teams and processes into our tech, Jeremy Daly (AlertMe, Serverless Days Helsinki) will dive deep into serverless applications and discuss how to architect them for failure. Julius Zerwick (Digital Ocean, SREcon Americas West) will share a failure at Digital Ocean, what they learned, and how to apply their learnings to make your own distributed systems more reliable.
The conference also features sessions from Amy Tobey (Blameless, DevOpsDays Vancouver), Gunnar Grosch (Opsio, Serverless Days Hamburg), Allan Shone (Senior System Engineer at Deputy), Taylor Barnett (Transposit, DevNet Create), Heidi Waterhouse (Developer Advocate at LaunchDarkly), J Paul Reed (Senior Applied Resilience Engineer at Netflix), and Marco Coulter (AppDynamics, Google Cloud Next).
You can see the full speaker lineup and register at failoverconf.io.
See you April 21st!

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