Getting Started

Network Tags

What are tags?

Tags are basically the metadata or labels attached to an object. Each tag consists of a key and an optional value that can make it easier to manage, search for, and filter resources by specific criteria. Commonly used tags are application, environment (staging or production), owner, and so on. For example, you could tag all API services with an API tag, or tag all services where Terraform automation is used with a Terraform tag. Tags are especially important for today's ephemeral environments. For example, hosts live for a short time and have dynamic IP addresses. The IP address of a host may change, but any tags associated with it will persist.

How does Gremlin use tags?

Gremlin recognizes host, cloud, and Kubernetes tags to define the scope of what to evaluate during reliability testing. For example, you might want to test the reliability of a Service running on a certain operating system or in a specific zone.

Zone tags are required for the Zone Reliability Test.

In the Kubernetes world, tags are actually known as labels. (Gremlin does not use Kubernetes annotations.) Using labels will help you match deployments with Services in Gremlin. For more information on Kubernetes labels, see Labels and Selectors.

Cloud providers generally have a set of default tags. Be aware that some cloud providers have a limit on the number of tags you can apply. For more information on cloud tags, see: Tagging AWS resources, Google Tags, and Use tags to organize your Azure resources and management hierarchy.

If you are not using a cloud provider, you will need to define custom tags and be familiar with them when you create a Service in Gremlin. You will also need to assign your custom tags to the Gremlin Agent.

Examples of tags in Gremlin

In the following example for a host Service, the scope of testing will cover the following zones: <span class="code-class-custom">us-east-1a</span>, <span class="code-class-custom">us-east1b</span>, and <span class="code-class-custom">us-east-1c</span>.

Create a Service form with Zone tag example

In this example for a Kubernetes Service, the <span class="code-class-custom">accounts-db</span> StatefulSet will be used to define the scope of testing.

Create a Service form with Kubernetes tag example

Assign custom tags

Gremlin automatically pulls in Kubernetes, cloud tags, and common host tags such as <span class="code-class-custom">operating system</span>. For custom tags, you will need to assign them to the Gremlin Agent. There are 2 ways to assign your custom tags to the Gremlin Agent:

Using the Gremlin configuration file

Use the <span class="code-class-custom">tags</span> variable in config.yaml.

For example:


  service: pet-store
  interface: http

See Using the configuration file for more information.

Using an environment variableUse the <span class="code-class-custom">GREMLIN_CLIENT_TAGS</span> variable to assign custom tags, separated by comma, to the Gremlin Agent.

For example:

<span class="code-class-custom">GREMLIN_CLIENT_TAGS="zone=us-east1,role=mysql,foo=bar"</span>

See Using environment variables for more information.

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Installing the Gremlin Agent
Authenticating the Gremlin Agent
Configuring the Gremlin Agent
Managing the Gremlin Agent
User Management
Health Checks
Command Line Interface
Updating Gremlin
Quick Start Guide
Services and Dependencies
Detected Risks
Reliability Tests
Reliability Score
Deploying Failure Flags on AWS Lambda
Deploying Failure Flags on AWS ECS
Deploying Failure Flags on Kubernetes
Classes, methods, & attributes
API Keys
Container security
Additional Configuration for Helm
Amazon CloudWatch Health Check
AppDynamics Health Check
Blackhole Experiment
CPU Experiment
Certificate Expiry
Custom Health Check
Custom Load Generator
DNS Experiment
Datadog Health Check
Disk Experiment
Dynatrace Health Check
Grafana Cloud Health Check
Grafana Cloud K6
IO Experiment
Install Gremlin on Kubernetes manually
Install Gremlin on OpenShift 4
Installing Gremlin on AWS - Configuring your VPC
Installing Gremlin on Kubernetes with Helm
Installing Gremlin on Windows
Installing Gremlin on a virtual machine
Installing the Failure Flags SDK
Latency Experiment
Memory Experiment
Network Tags
New Relic Health Check
Packet Loss Attack
PagerDuty Health Check
Preview: Gremlin in Kubernetes Restricted Networks
Private Network Integration Agent
Process Collection
Process Killer Experiment
Prometheus Health Check
Role Based Access Control
Running Failure Flags experiments
Scheduling Scenarios
Shared Scenarios
Shutdown Experiment
Time Travel Experiment
Troubleshooting Gremlin on OpenShift
User Authentication via SAML and Okta
Integration Agent for Linux
Test Suites
Restricting Testing Times
Process Exhaustion Experiment
Enabling DNS collection